Build a high-performance PWA with Angular and Firebase from scratch.
Taught by Jeff DelaneyThat guy from the Fireship YouTube channel
The Angular Firebase PWA Course will teach you how to build a complex progressive web app with Angular 12 (ivy), Material Design, and Firebase. It starts from absolute basics and eventually culminates with the deployment of a server-rendered PWA on Google Cloud Run.
You will build a full-stack Kanban (看板) storyboard app inspired by Trello. Authenticated users can create, sort, update, and delete boards with all interaction persisted in Firestore.
This course is intermediate level and designed to expose you to real-world challenges when building PWAs with Angular. It assumes you have at least basic knowledge of web programming and basic skills in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It is fast-paced and similar to my style on YouTube, but far more in-depth and comprehensive.
The last code review and update was completed on Sep 2nd, 2022 using Angular version 12.0
. The course receives regular updates, especially to address breaking changes in Angular and/or Firebase.
Visit the Firestarter demo app and install it as a PWA to give it a test drive before you enroll.
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